
  • column (number of columns)
  • category (category slug seperated by commas)
  • max (number of items per page)
  • title (whether to display title or not: true,false)
  • titlelinkable (if set to true, portfolio title will link to portfolio single page)
  • desclinkable (if set to true, portfolio title will link to portfolio single page)
  • desc (whether to display description or not: true,false)
  • height (height of the thumbnails)
  • paging
  • actions:(true, false), default is true, if set to false, then icons will not be shown on hover
  • lightbox: true or false
  • group
  • order: ASC, DESC
  • orderby: id, author, title, date, modified, parent, rand, comment_count, menu_order


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Your Portfolio Archive currently has no entries. You can start creating them on your dashboard.

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